

Din sökning på "*" gav 124455 sökträffar

Chemists jump on the Science Village bandwagon

By Maria Lindh - published 6 April 2021 The precise construction design for Science Village is still unclear, with the possible exception of the common Space (in the background) which will be the first building to be erected in the area. This will house a reception, restaurant and exhibition ab "Now I dare to rejoice a little", says Sven Lidin, dean of the Faculty of Science. "The uphill task that

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/chemists-jump-science-village-bandwagon - 2025-03-20

How can LU contribute to sustainable development through capacity-building programmes?

By Emma [dot] Holm [at] education [dot] lu [dot] se (Emma Holm) - published 15 April 2021 Lund University Commissioned Education (LUCE) recently organised a digital workshop about professional development of change agents in countries where Sweden runs development collaborations. The aim was to discuss the University’s role, what changes LU can help with and how we work using research-based knowle

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/how-can-lu-contribute-sustainable-development-through-capacity-building-programmes - 2025-03-20

The University will fly the flag for IDAHOT Day on 17 May

Published 12 May 2021 On 17 May, LU will raise the rainbow flag on several buildings around the University. The flag-raising is to highlight IDAHOT (International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia) and the violence and discrimination that LGBTQIA persons are subjected to worldwide. The event is arranged by the LGBTQIA-network for employees at Lund University.

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/university-will-fly-flag-idahot-day-17-may - 2025-03-20

Updated vice-chancellor’s decision on 12 May regarding covid-19

Published 12 May 2021 It should be possible to plan the 2021 autumn semester based on some reversion, provided that the infection rate allows it. Teaching and assessment are to continue to be conducted digitally with no physical presence on the University’s premises, up to and including 29 August 2021. The University has also decided that all staff members are entitled to get vaccinated against Co

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/updated-vice-chancellors-decision-12-may-regarding-covid-19 - 2025-03-20

Invitation to discuss RQ20 and important questions for further work

By tina [dot] trollas [at] fs [dot] lu [dot] se (Tina Trollås) - published 21 May 2021 The University’s employees are invited to comment and discuss the issues that should be the most important central questions for LU to work on based on RQ20. Enter your comments in the Padlet which is published on the research board website. The final RQ20 report contains plenty of suggestions for measures that

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/invitation-discuss-rq20-and-important-questions-further-work - 2025-03-20

Got that sneaky feeling your English is not good enough for scholarly publication?

By asa [dot] thormahlen [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Thormählen) - published 21 May 2021 Lund University, through the Centre for Language and Literature, offers the course ”Written English for Scholarly Publication”, which is open for any academic staff member (e.g. doctoral students, researchers, post-docs, lecturers, and professors) in any area of study who want to improve their written Englis

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/got-sneaky-feeling-your-english-not-good-enough-scholarly-publication - 2025-03-20

Results from the Action plan for internationalisation

By carina [dot] holmberg_pousette [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (Carina Holmberg Pousette) - published 21 May 2021 Subprojects in the Lund University Action plan for internationalisation have investigated different aspects of how internationalisation should be developed. Final reports from subprojects have been approved by the International Council, and employees and students are welcome to discuss re

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/results-action-plan-internationalisation - 2025-03-20

Erik Renström the Vice-Chancellor blog

Published 29 September 2021 Obstacles to internationalisation need to be removed Published 27 September 2021 Lund University often talks about internationalisation and the importance of working internationally, both through research collaborations and in education. As we live in a globalised era, major and complex issues cannot be resolved other than through international collaboration. The pandem

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/erik_renstrom_the_vice-chancellor-blog - 2025-03-20

Using the law to fight for the vulnerable

By maria [dot] lindh [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Lindh) - published 27 May 2021 Sofia Åkerman received thousands of emails from sufferers and their relatives after The Zebra Girl was published, which prompted her to remain committed. Photo:Kennet Ruona "Mastery of the law gives you power. And I want to use that power to support the vulnerable" says Sofia Åkerman, doctoral student a

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/using-law-fight-vulnerable - 2025-03-20

Faculties regrouping after RQ20

By maria [dot] lindh [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Lindh) - published 27 May 2021 Increased collaboration within the faculties and a general revitalisation.  This is already a clear result from the RQ20 research evaluation that was presented in March. “We have caught sight of each other” was a frequent comment heard in a round of telephone calls to the deans and research managers. Mo

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/faculties-regrouping-after-rq20 - 2025-03-20

Leisure time as an ordeal to enjoy

By louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - published 1 June 2021 "When our usual methods of relaxing become a way to compete for social status, those activities then become exhausting instead.There is no rest for the body and soul. This is something that I think needs to be discussed more, says Carys Egan-Wyer. What kind of an image of yourself do you present on social m

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/leisure-time-ordeal-enjoy - 2025-03-20

How do we generate knowledge about sustainable development?

By Jenny [dot] Hansson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Hansson) - published 28 May 2021 On 4 May, the first joint research conference on sustainable development was held at Lund University. During the event, over 70 research contributions were presented to researchers, students and international participants. The conference highlighted the University’s extensive range of sustainability-related r

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/how-do-we-generate-knowledge-about-sustainable-development - 2025-03-20

Digital learning will no longer be the recommended default mode

Published 31 May 2021 On 27 May, the Swedish government presented its five-step plan for adaptation and easing of the restrictions applied due to the Covid-19 pandemic. One of the new recommendations is for digital learning no longer to be the default mode for higher education. This means that it will be possible to conduct education on site at universities and colleges as of 1 June. The reason wh

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/digital-learning-will-no-longer-be-recommended-default-mode - 2025-03-20

"Going to work should be fun”

By jenny [dot] loftrup [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Loftrup) - published 31 May 2021 "There is so much freedom and so many opportunities here – it is a fantastic place. But if my main task is to be smart, there must be the conditions for it." says Jimmie Kristensson. Photo: Kennet Ruona Enjoying your job is a condition for both academic success and freedom, according to pro vice-cha

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/going-work-should-be-fun-0 - 2025-03-20

Mulinari har publicerat två artiklar

Publicerad 30 januari 2016 Shai Mulinari har tillsammans med Andreas Vilhelmsson och Courtney Davis publicerat artikeln "Pharmaceutical Industry Off-label Promotion and Self-regulation: A Document Analysis of Off-label Promotion Rulings by the United Kingdom Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority 2003–2012" i PLOS Medicine. Se artikeln hos PLOS Medicine (på engelska)Shai Mulinari har oc

https://www.soc.lu.se/artikel/mulinari-har-publicerat-tva-artiklar - 2025-03-20

Recension av Couple Relationship in the 21st Century

Publicerad 1 februari 2016 Sara Elden har skrivit en recension om boken ”Couple Relationships in the 21st Century”. "Scholars who study love run the risk of being accused of demystifying and simplifying one of the most beautiful things there is in life. When scientific analysis labels, categorizes and separates that which is experienced simultaneously and often strongly at so many levels – emotion

https://www.soc.lu.se/artikel/recension-av-couple-relationship-21st-century - 2025-03-20

Ring har varit medförfattare till en bok om resurserna inom långtidsvården för de äldre

Publicerad 1 februari 2016 Magnus Ring har varit medförfattare till kapitlet “How different countries allocate long-term care resources to older users: a comparative snapshot” i boken “Long-term care reforms in OECD countries”. Läs mer på Policy Press (på engelska)Magnus Rings personliga sida

https://www.soc.lu.se/artikel/ring-har-varit-medforfattare-till-en-bok-om-resurserna-inom-langtidsvarden-de-aldre - 2025-03-20

Ministerbesök av Morgan Johansson

Publicerad 2 februari 2016 Tidigare lundastudenten och vår nuvarande justitie- och migrationsminister Morgan Johansson besökte igår den 1 februari våra studenter på kriminologiprogrammet. Han talade om kriminalpolitiken och studenterna hade möjlighet att ställa frågor. Johansson utgick från fem punkter som är viktiga inom kriminalpolitiken. Det är att förebygga brott, bekämpa brott, öka brottsuppk

https://www.soc.lu.se/artikel/ministerbesok-av-morgan-johansson - 2025-03-20

Kindeberg har publicerat två nya publikationer inom pedagogik

Publicerad 8 februari 2016 Tina Kindeberg har publicerat både ett bokkapitel och en artikel. Bokkapitlet är:Kindeberg, Tina (2015). The oral interaction between students and teachers in higher education. In Booth, S & L.Woollacott (eds) The Scholarship of teaching and Learning: It’s constitution and its transformative potential. Stellenbosch: Sun Press. Artikeln är:Kindeberg, Tina (2015) Trust and

https://www.soc.lu.se/artikel/kindeberg-har-publicerat-tva-nya-publikationer-inom-pedagogik - 2025-03-20

Nätverksmöte och forskarutbildningskurs om skola och konkurrens

Publicerad 10 februari 2016 Nordiska doktorander och forskare är under denna vecka samlade på Sociologiska institutionen för att diskutera frågor som rör skola och konkurrens. 21 doktorander och ett 10-tal forskare i nätverket Nordisk Vinterskola ordnar sitt andra nätverksmöte och forskarutbildningskurs. Deltagarna och lärarna kommer från olika discipliner, till exempel pedagogik, sociologi, kultu

https://www.soc.lu.se/artikel/natverksmote-och-forskarutbildningskurs-om-skola-och-konkurrens - 2025-03-20